Tofte Ranch
Larry: Deer raided Arlene's back yard night before last so we geared up - bought supplies and I proceeded to deer-proof the back yard. It has really been hot here these last few days. Set 4 posts yesterday and got the fence rolled out and just attached so the deer can't get in. Today, I'll mount the gates, paint the fence and set T-posts. Always lots to do here but I feel good when I can contribute. Plus it must be getting me fit! Good thing we decided to stay here this week.
Larry: My Favorite Bend-Over
Charlotte: It is a beautiful morning on the porch. I weeded onions yesterday while Larry built fence. I actually enjoy weeding except when it's so hot. My feet actually burned while I was weeding yesterday from the sun shining on my shoes. I hardly ever make it out to the "far garden". I usually just work in the garden by the house. I am longing for more time alone. I guess I could be alone in "our room". Thank you God for our own room and shower. I ordered the bear alarm yesterday.