Thursday, July 15, 2010
High Country Camp

Larry: Still no gold! Where are we missing it or how? C seems to think that it's coming in from below us for the most part and I tend to agree. I'd still like to take a run down stream to check it out. But last night, we both asked, if we had $5000 in the bank, would we care about the gold? Can we be satisfied with our wilderness experience without gold? What is the allure of gold? It can't be in the possession of it because we turn around and sell it. So, is it the monetary value? Partly. I believe it's mostly in the searching and finding something of value that we can then sell for money.... very much like hunting for wild mushrooms. If I found a pile of gold coins, I'd admire them for awhile but then I'd either sell them or keep them as an investment. Somehow, we need the challenge of the search in order to enjoy our pursuits.

Roughing it involves challenges - giving up the ease and comfort of a home. How rough must it have been for the early miners? How about the first mountain men blazing trails west, Lewis & Clark? Have we improved ourselves by technology, by providing luxurious shelter and conveniences? Are we primitive beings by nature, needing nature to nurture us? I feel different out here in the woods. I'm more in tune with my authentic self - though that may just be the solitude. I'm more present - in the now. We'll forge ahead today, seeking that elusive golden treasure. We intend to break camp tomorrow morning and go out the back way - out through Iowa Hill - look in at Elizabethtown - try to plan our next week's activities.

Charlotte: Another long night for me. A tree fell in the night and made a loud noise and Larry didn't budge - he didn't even hear it - man the mosquitoes are out in force this morning. After the tree fell I was wide awake for hours listening for bears. I only saw one shooting star, no satellites and no planes but we have certainly seen 1000's of mosquitoes since we arrived.

The gold continues to elude us. What is that about? Being in the flow - having access to all? I don't know that we can create gold in the creek but I do believe that we can be led to the gold - we can find the gold by listening - some part of us knows where the gold is in this creek.

What is my fear about in the night? In a vehicle I would feel safe. There must have literally been 1000's of backpackers sleeping in tents in bear country last night. How may of them were attacked or eaten? I'll check that out when we get back to the ranch. When we get back I'm going to check out the bear alarm I saw in the mining magazine. Is it a basic fear of the dark?

This "vision quest" of ours - this adventure is really teaching us to be present - it demands it - the mosquitoes, the search for gold, the lumps under my bed, listening for bears, my fear of the dark, tuning into the sights and sounds, observing our thoughts and reactions to situations.

I love certain aspects of this experience - right here, right now; the quiet, except for the bird sounds, the distant sound of the creek, the smell of the forest air, just an occasional bandit now,  being all alone (we are all alone since the claim owner left last evening and although he is camped way down the road from us we felt we weren't totally alone until he left). I would like a comfortable sleeping place; no lumps under the bed, no sloping bed that we slide down all night and I'd like to be out in the open instead of in the thick grove of trees and bushes, a good mosquito repellent would be nice, peace about sleeping in the forest and lots of gold.

Good morning God. Where is the gold? Thank you for this time in this beautiful, quiet, peaceful place.