Monday, July 12, 2010
Auburn, McD's

Larry: On our way to the high country! At last! We are full of optimism about this week in the mountains. We are intrepid gold prospectors - searching for our El Dorado.

Charlotte: It's a beautiful morning! It's been almost a year since we have been in Auburn. I am getting antsy to get up the road but looking forward to morning coffee. What surprises and adventures does this day hold? The theme for our lives right now seems to be "unknowns".

LATER - 5:30 PM

Larry: We were able to drive into our old camping spot.  Hiked down to the creek with the claim owner and scoped out the possibilities. Spent most of the afternoon sitting with the trees and chasing the shade. It feels good to be here once again. I must admit a certain amount of yearning for the comforts that a house offers but that is the old man in me - the fearful, comfort seeker. What about the intrepid adventurer? I must re-awaken him and put him in charge. I know we'll have a wonderful time up here. The claim owner seems pretty laid back about our presence. We offered him 20% of what we find, which is what we paid the old claim owner when we were up here years ago. Now we just have to find the gold!

Charlotte: We hiked pretty far down the old road when we first got here. It was warm and sticky but the forest is beautiful and it smells so good here. It was an interesting trip through time. We left Auburn by 9. The fragrance of Mountain Misery lay heavy in the air as we made our way to Foresthill. We took time for some photos in Foresthill and then headed down into the north fork of the middle fork of the American River. We stopped briefly at Rainbow Bridge. It was a much longer climb out of the canyon than we remembered. We topped out just past the Big Trees turnoff at about 6000 ft. After our hike down into the canyon on the old road we took time to just sit for awhile and then decided to go look for a camp spot. We found a vehicle but couldn't find anyone around so we got out our lawn chairs and sat for a bit. Pretty soon the claim owner came walking down the road. He had been putting up claim markers. He showed us a trail, that was pretty hard to find. He built it down to the creek last year. Our bodies moaned and groaned about the hike and the altitude as we tried to keep up with him. He is obviously in better shape than we are.

After he left we continued our search for a camp spot. We finally settled on a shady spot up from the flat where we had our camper years ago. Our fire ring on the flat and our fire ring on the upper landing are still there after all these years. We are really enjoying the blessed quiet - the sound of the distant creek, wind in the tall conifers, bird sounds and some very high jets flying over. It is already 6 PM! Where has this day gone? We have cleared an area up in the trees for our bed and gathered fir and cedar bows to make it softer. We have decided to sleep under the stars tonight. There is a small stream coming off of the slope just down the road and Larry has already hiked down there to fill water bottles. It looks like it will be a go for us to spend the summer here.