Wednesday, July 14, 2010
The High Country

Larry: We put up our tent yesterday due to the mosquitoes. Consequently, I had a delicious night of rest last night. They tend to dampen our outdoor experience. The gold continues to elude us?! Have we lost our edge, our swing? I can tend to get discouraged in the night after a hard day of prospecting and crawling the creek but then I'm reminded of how stingy this creek can seem and then she rewards those who persevere.

Also, on a bigger scale, I must continue to embrace the experience, the adventure, the journey.... and not make this all about the gold - 3 oz. would be sweet but so was lying in bed this morning watching the sun light up the western ridge - 3 oz. would be so satisfying but so was sipping wine while watching the sun slide down the far ridge - 3 oz. would be delicious but so was our camp-out meal last night - corn chips covered in chili and topped with onions and cheese with avocado on the side.

We have discovered a new recreational activity up here. It is great for a couple but I can see it being even more fun for a group. It requires one to be fully present and totally focused on your partner. You look into your partner's eyes and study their features - their cheeks, their mouth, their ears, their hair - and then..... you strike at them! Very softly but firmly, as you dispense with a hungry, sucking mosquito, all the while carrying on a lively conversation such as, "I got him" or "Darn I missed him" or if you're really good, " I got two"! Charlotte needs some more practice in the "softly" department. She strikes with a little too much enthusiasm but they never get away. I've decided to call this game Skeeter Skidadle!

Charlotte: We slept in this morning - 7:00 at least. I have finished my morning rituals; teeth, deodorant, face, pee - I try to put off serious bathroom time until it's urgent. I only want to bare my backside to the mosquitoes for any length of time once a day. It was wonderful to have the tent up last night. If we are vigilant coming and going we only let an occasional bandit in. We could sleep with our heads and arms out. Larry announced this morning that he had a delicious night of sleep. I had a delicious night awake. I spent the night listening for animals sounds, especially bears, watched for satellites and shooting stars and thought of the fairy tale about a pea under the mattress as there was something very hard right under my backside.

The mosquitoes are swarming this morning. We don our foreign legion caps and long sleeved shirts, morning and evening, for protection. We have a good 2 hours in the evening and 1+ hours in the morning of swarming. We head right to bed after supper clean-up so we can get in the tent. We rehash our day and rehearse our future and then settle down to be present and read awhile.

What about the gold? What are we learning from this experience? Where is the gold? It seems like we should know where it is? Are we not listening? Are we being led somewhere else?

We were camped out at Elizabethtown 13 years ago. We feel pretty good about how we have organized to camp out of our car. Setting up the tent was a big improvement. Sit with the questions and listen. Ego wants to keep us busy working hard, doubting and fearing. Spirit wants us to be still and listen - easy, fun, peaceful.... why are we here? We have been having some wonderful time for journaling, reading, talking and being quiet in the morning.

I hiked out of the canyon twice yesterday and Larry hiked in and out three times. We are getting in shape! We come up to camp for lunch to check things and move our car so that it will stay in the shade during the day. So far, our ice is lasting very well.