Saturday, July 17, 2010
Tofte Ranch

Larry: Back at the farm. A week out but it feels good to be back "home".  I'd like to stay here for a few days - lick my wounds, re-new my outlook, catch up around here, etc.

Charlotte: On the way back we stopped in Foresthill at the Forest Service. They gave us a sheet on bears. Seems there have been some problem bears at the campgrounds in the high country. When I mentioned at the store where we had been camping the guy asked if we had been up to feed the bears - not exactly comforting words. I must check into the bear alarm!

Yesterday we made a sad trip up to Elizabethtown, the Pappa cabin and then to Iowa Hill. I guess one just can't go back. It was 97 in the shade on the porch at the Pappa cabin. It didn't look like anyone had been there in a long time. Someone has claims on our old camping spot at Elizabethtown. We both got emotional over the changes. We agreed that we don't want to do any dry land camping in this kind of heat.