Sunday, August 30, 2009
Tofte Ranch
Here we are, with our adventure under our belt and what an adventure it was! I am observing how quickly my body is recovering and which areas recover more quickly. I moved the irrigation lines yesterday and walking up and down the hills with water lines, I found that my legs still ached. And my energy level is still low. After seeing Little Steve's gold (he sent us pics) and talking to him about where he got it, we are re-enthused and planning a day hike up to Staircase Rapids, above Indian Creek. So we are gearing up for another trek.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Tofte Ranch
Wow! Another HARD day on the river! We left the ranch at 6:15 AM, drove down to the Shirttail Bridge, hiked up to Indian Creek, cossed the river, hiked up the bedrock (very hard), crossed back over the river and hiked up through more, almost impossible bedrock until we could go no further. Then, while C waited with our gear and the gun, I suited up and went on up to Staricase rapids - hard to believe we haven't seen one rattle snake. I found where the boys had been working, in fact, I even found one of their chisels. But, the gold remained elusive for me. I popped a crevice clear, one or two colors. I spent maybe an hour cleaning out a deep boil hole - a few colors. I could see that the boys had broken out lots of bedrock. I'll have to reassess my methods. I still can't believe their trip. I must remember that Michael is a college student and Little Steve is probably 20 years younger than me. Their photos are testament to the fact that they got pretty banged up, too.
Friday, September 4, 2009
28 years ago today, we were hauling our gear down the American River in our boat and broke C's toe when I accidently ran over it with the boat - the day before we were to be married. What a pair of innocents in the wilderness! We had no worries, everything was possible and all we had was a sandy spot on the bank of the river. Talk about minimalistic living!
I'd like to make a trip up to the bedrock at Salvation. It looked like - 1/4 mile of workable area. A rock hammer is in order. We have been working away here at the ranch. Oh, well... but we are very thankful for the money we are making and it is beautiful and tranquil here.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
28 Years! Married for 28 years. What a ride it has been. It's never been ordinary or dull. I'm looking forward to the next 28. I'll be 97! That's alarming to think about and that I'll probably not live that long. That makes every day that more precious. One day at a time. Enjoy each moment and live each day well. Be kind to everyone and uplift them on their journey.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Etc., etc., etc., What was my mother doing 69 years ago today? Was I a difficult pregnancy? Was she happy? Did my parents have a great love for each other? Did she want a boy? Back then they couldn't tell the sex of the fetus. So many impossible questions. I feel cheated not to have known my parents. My mother because of her early death but also my father. Even though he was alive into my late adulthood, he was very reticent, call it no communication with me about my mother or their early life together. But then what does it really matter? If I knew all the answers to my questions, would it change me or my life? Probably not. I suppose I'm just as guilty of not sharing my life with my kids?
Monday, September 14, 2009
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to ME! 69 years old today. Go figure. I don't understand how I could be this old. But then, how old is old? I'm as old as I feel both physically and mentally. right now, with all the hard work I've been doing, I feel my age physically. Mentally is a different story. On any given day, I'm still in my 30's - 50's. This aging process must be part of a grand plan to teach us humility. As our physical abilities wane, we must look for other ways to tweak our ego until there is no other option than to give up ego altogether and dwell in Spirit. From Spirit we came and to Spirit we return. Why doe it seem to take a lifetime to learn what we already knew when we were born? Sittin on the front porch watching two pairs of pintail ducks enjoying a misty, damp morning. Larry turned 69 and the world wept.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
A slow restful day yesterday. No work. We took a picnic lunch to the river, as planned, and had a long, generous repast. But then I had no reserves left to fuel a trip down to the water. We sat and read and napped all afternoon just enjoying the familiar contact with our past. I know that's the draw of Shirttail Creek. Our first "home" literally. I'd like to explore new places up in SW and NE Oregon though. Get back into subsistance fishing and prospect Oregon. Here I am 69 years old and counting. That last part is key - counting.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Celebration time on the ranch! Our huge painting/repair jobs are finally done! We'll head north to the Oregon Territory on Wednesday but today is for gold sniping on the river. We'll take some munchies and some cold beer.... spend a last hurrah in the old diggins. I'll feel more like writing when I'm rested.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Our last day at Tofte Ranch. Where did the summer go? Lots of last minute projects to wind up. Plants to get in the ground for Arlene, packing and loading, etc. By this time tomorrow - 8 AM - we'll be past Oroville on our way through Chico. We went to the American River yesterday and worked lots of good looking bedrock for very little gold. It only whets my appetitie to come back and do it better! But I also want to check out Oregon gold. On the road again...... tomorrow.