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In case you have never been to a blog, you go to the end of the blog by clicking on first link in "archive" to start at the beginning. This is a work in progress as we make journal entries from our 30 years of adventures.

After The Winter Ponderings

It's been a looong winter here in Oregon. The grey skies and rainy days lend themselves to lots of armchair prospecting. As a result of one of their postings, I recently made a trip over to the coast around Brookings, Oregon. I sampled several beaches where the black sand was showing. I actually found some very fine gold almost everywhere I panned. I got lots of panning practice in as a result of all that black sand. I must get a fine gold recovery system, maybe a blue bowl? It felt a bit strange, panning for gold on the beach but it was a real hoot to see the tiny specks of gold showing up. Any day prospecting or any day at the beach is great so being able to combine the two was a fine day indeed.

We are pulling up stakes here in Sutherlin, Oregon come June. Just like the early miners, we're looking for richer diggins. We have been house sitters for three years in a row for these folks but they have decided to sell their place. It's just as well as we had decided to move on. We have followed our inner compass over all these past 30+ years so we'll moisten our finger, stick it up in the air and see what direction the wind is blowing.