A photo of just over 32 pennyweight of gold from one day's dredging in 1987! That is a quarter, dime and nickel in the pan.
May 28, 2010
We are counting down the days until we head south to the gold country. We are very excited about our summer in the wilderness. We started life together 30 years ago. Our first home, after we got married, we camped out on Shirttail Creek. We made our "living" from gold for the first 7 years of our married life. Each summer we were camped out somewhere on a creek or river from June to October. During the winter we did short prospecting trips - winter in northern California does not lend itself to long campouts. It feels like we are getting back to our passion, to our heart place.
Larry will turn 70 in September and I will turn 60 in October. We are very thankful that we can still think about hiking into the mountains and down into the canyons, backpacking and camping out for the summer. We'll be checking in on a regular basis to keep you posted on our adventures. If everything goes as planned, we'll be headed south by the first of July. In the meantime, I am packing and cleaning, as we get ready to move out of this house in Sutherlin, Oregon. We have been housesitting here since October 1st. These folks come back from their home in Mexico June 15th. It is a lovely home and it has been a wonderful place to be for awhile.
Larry has been working for the census, 7 days a week, for the last several weeks. He thinks he has at least 2 more weeks of work. We thank God for our many blessings. We'll keep you posted on our progress. Until next time......